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If you set your children up for success when they're young, it will help keep them on track when they're adults. Here's your action plan for reaching your family fitness goals. Added bonus: you'll up your own fitness level too!

The old saying 'monkey see, monkey do' comes to mind when we're talking about teaching children about physical fitness. Especially when they're in the early stages of development. When it comes to physical fitness, parents can positively encourage their children to be active by being active themselves. It's not an easy task, and there's no one proven approach to raising a healthy, well- balanced family. There is a way that I do it, and these three simple steps make a lot of sense to me. I hope they work for you too.

Step one: Positive words 
Our choice of words is so important in life. Whether it's friendships, relationships, business affairs or your body confidence, it's essential to make an active choice to use positive language.
I'm convinced that we all have some sort of body issues. I've been guilty of upsetting my daughter unintentionally by referring to my tummy scars as 'horrid.' Her response was "I love your tummy because without it. we wouldn't be here." As you can imagine, I felt terrible when she said this. My negative thoughts (like many women's) came right in the middle of summer swimsuit season a few years ago. I think I felt even worse because she has a small scar on her arm. It made me realize that I must always be positive with my words. I believe true beauty comes from within, even on a tough day. Always try to find a positive verbal approach to situations.

Step 2: Positive thoughts 
If you do have negative thoughts about your body, try to work on finding some positive body confidence statements. These statements come much more naturally when you make small physical changes in your routine to make yourself feel better.
For example, referring to a healthy diet as something to be dreaded because you feel deprived is a prime example of teaching kids that there's some form of negative emotion attached to restricting the consumption of unhealthy calories. Like I said, the balancing act is not easy. A change in mindset about what you know is best for your overall health is the key. 
Attempt to only share positive statements such as 'I'm getting healthy' or 'I'm working on being an active parent.' This is especially important when speaking in front of young children because they're most influenced before teenage years. Remember that positive actions and words start with positive thoughts.

Step 3: Mindset to action
Have you heard the saying "all talk and no action?" Well, it's time for the action part of my post! It doesn't have to be a chore to get the entire family moving. Once you get going with weekly activities, your entire family will start to look forward to family fitness time together. 
Start getting yourself active and feeling great. Then slowly start introducing your family to your ideas. Here is a custom workout to help get you started!

Workout of the week
Ultimate Goal: Perform this routine 5 times through
Every second counts goal: Get through this once.
-Walk-jog-run (1-2-3)
-Choose two numbers based on your fitness level.

-Note: If you're new to exercise, choose numbers 1 and 2. If you feel ready, choose 2-3
-Perform 45 seconds of the low number followed by 30 seconds of your second number.
-Perform a few stretches while catching your breath for 30 seconds

Not ready for jogging? Walk slowly as your 1, then walk fast as your 2.
Stick to the time frame and sets set but adjust your running/jogging/walking as needed to fit your current fitness level.

The majority of your actions start with a thought so keep your thoughts positive, your words to match your thoughts and hopefully your body will follow. For the full article, click here.

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Senior Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.

By Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, FAND

You may have heard the term Glycemic Index - and if you have, you probably know that the Glycemic Index ranks carbohydrate-containing foods based on their effects on blood sugar.  But in order to really understand the effects of foods on your blood sugar, there's another term you should get familiar with - Glycemic Load.

And the reason is simple.  

In essence, the Glycemic Index measures a quality in a food.  The Glycemic Index indicates whether or not a food contains easily digested carbohydrates - carbohydrates like refined starches and sugars that can lead to rapid rises in blood sugar.  

But the Glycemic Load factors in the quantity of carbohydrate - the amount that is actually eaten in a typical serving.   This is a very important distinction - and requires a little bit of explaining. 

How The Glycemic Index and Load is Determined for Foods 

To establish the Glycemic Index for a food, people are fed a measured amount of that food - specifically, an amount that supplies a set amount of carbohydrate (usually 50 grams).  Then, blood sugar measurements are taken over a set period of time after the food is eaten.  Using these measurements, the effect of the food on the blood sugar is calculated, and the resulting value is compared to pure sugar, which is given a value of 100.  

Foods that cause the blood sugar to rise quickly and steeply will have a higher number (in other words, have a high Glycemic Index, or GI), while foods that cause a less dramatic rise in sugar will have a lower value.   

High GI foods = have a value of greater than 70
Moderate GI foods = have a value between 56-69
Low GI foods = have a value of 55 or less

But here's the catch. The amount of food that you'd need to eat in order to 50 grams of carbohydrate - the amount needed to establish the GI -  varies quite a bit from food to food. For other foods, the amount of carbohydrate they contain per serving is so small that you'd need to eat huge amounts of them in order to get 50 grams of carbohydrate.

50 grams of carbohydrate = white bread (two slices) OR white rice (a small bowl) OR 13 whole apricots OR 50 watermelon balls

This is where the Glycemic Load, or GL, comes in.  

When a food has a high GI value, it means that the food contains readily digestible carbohydrates that could cause your blood sugar to rise quite high, relatively quickly.   But what really matters is how much of that readily available carbohydrate you actually eat.   

The amount of carbohydrate you get from two slices of white bread - about 50 grams - is a lot different from the amount you'd get from a typical serving of watermelon (only about 6   grams), but white bread and watermelon have almost identical GI values. 

So, the Glycemic Load takes into account the amount of carbohydrate that you would typically consume in a serving of food.  

The GL is calculated by: 

GI index of the food X the grams of carbohydrate in the serving of that food / 100 

High Glycemic Load = Foods with a value of 20 or more
Moderate Gycemic Load  = Foods with values that range from 10-19
Low Glycemic Load  = Foors with values of 10 or less

Foods that have the lowest amount of carbohydrate per serving, then, will have a low GL.  Vegetables (even higher GI vegetables like carrots or beets) have a low GL because they have so little carbohydrate per serving.  And most fruits don't have that much carbohydrate on a per serving basis, either, which is most of them have a low GL.  Watermelon has a high GI (72), but a typical serving of watermelon contains so little carbohydrate that it won't have much impact on your blood sugar - in other words, it has a low Glycemic Load (GL=4).  

This is important, because if you were to focus only on eating foods with a low Glycemic Index, you might be cutting out healthy foods (like carrots or watermelon) unnecessarily.  So, it's important to consider the GL, too.

While the GI is defined only for individual foods, the GL can be calculated for any serving size of food, for an entire meal and, in fact, for an entire day's meals.  For this reason, it's important to consider the GL of the diet overall. 

Refined starches and sweets contribute the most to the overall Glycemic Load of the diet - so cutting down on these high GI foods can greatly reduce the overall Glycemic Load of the diet.   At the same time, choosing healthier carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, whole fresh fruits, and whole grains can help to reduce the GL of the diet as a whole.  

Low GL foods tend to be higher in fiber and, since they're less processed, they retain their natural vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.  The fiber makes these foods more filling, and the low GL means they're less likely to cause big swings in your blood sugar.   As a result, you may experience better hunger control, while getting a healthy nutrient boost at the same time. 

Try This Formula 1 Shake using low GI/GL ingredients!

Mango-Kiwi Shake

2 scoops Herbalife FI Nutritional Shake Mix, Vanilla Flavor (GI=20)
1 cup (250ml) lowfat milk (GI = 27;  GL=4)
¾ cup (120g) frozen mango chunks (GI= 5;  GL = 8)
1 medium kiwi, peeled  (GI = 53;  GL =5)
4 ice cubes (GI = 0;  GL = 0)

Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.  
F1 Shake
Low GI

Note: Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix is low GI tested.

Posted in Health Articles Live Healthy By Guy Alony

Packing a healthy lunch takes a little planning, but good nutrition is a big reward. If you struggle for lunch ideas, this simple guide on how to pack a healthy lunch is just what you need. Read on for thirteeen lunch ideas that will keep you feeling full all afternoon, and my at-a-glance guide to pairing delicious and healthy food types.

If you’re like most busy people, packing a healthy lunch for yourself probably seems like a chore. When you’re busy running out the door in the morning, packing a lunch for yourself is probably the furthest thing from your mind. But when lunch time rolls around – and you haven’t planned ahead – you’re likely to grab whatever is quick and easy… which may not always be the best choice. Getting into the habit of packing a healthy lunch for yourself might take a little time and effort on your part, but it’s a habit worth trying to establish. Not only will it save you some money, you’ll have much more control over what you eat, and how much.

What is a healthy lunch?

What you eat for lunch can make a big difference in how you perform for the rest of the day. If you don’t provide your body with the fuel it needs at lunch, you might find yourself tired or fuzzy-headed in the afternoon – which might leave you searching for a sugary, calorie-laden “pick-me-up”. Ideally, your lunch meal will keep you satisfied for several hours, so you’ll have the mental and physical energy to get through the rest of your busy day.

Even though many people rely on typical “lunch food” – like a sandwich, or soup and a salad – there are many different foods that can provide you with the energy and good nutrition that you need. Protein is important, since it helps to keep your hunger in check, vegetables help to fill you up and contribute plenty of vitamins and minerals, and high-fiber whole grains take time to digest and give your meal more staying power. To satisfy your sweet tooth, you can finish off your meal with some healthy carbs – in the form of a piece of fresh fruit.

If you’re not in the habit of packing a healthy lunch for yourself, start planning the night before. One of the easiest things to pack for lunch is leftovers from your evening meal – so get in the habit of cooking extra food. As long as you’re going to all the trouble to prepare and cook, you may as well get a few meals from your efforts. And, if you portion out your lunch at the same time you portion out your dinner – and then stash it in the refrigerator for the next day – there won’t be temptation to eat a second helping at night.

Once you get in the habit of putting aside leftovers for yourself, the next step is to start setting aside different components of your meals – the chopped raw vegetables, or the cooked meats, grains or poultry. Over the course of a few days, you’ll build up a stash of healthy ingredients to put together a variety of quick, healthy lunches.

Packing a healthy lunch: get ready

It’s hard to pack a healthy lunch if you don’t have the right ingredients on hand. And I’ll be the first to admit that this does take a little time and planning, but I really believe that the extra bit of time spent to make sure that your refrigerator, freezer and pantry are stocked make all the difference. When you don’t have what you need, it’s too easy to pick up something at the store or vending machine that might not be as healthy as something you’d pack yourself. I spend a little extra time a few nights a week to chop extra vegetables or wash extra salad greens for my lunches, which makes choosing what to pack for a healthy lunch a whole lot easier.

Try to get into the habit of “cooking once, eating twice (or more)”. Cook extra proteins and whole grains, and if you’re washing vegetables for salads or chopping veggies for cooking, always wash and dice extra so you’ll have them on hand.

Foods to keep on hand

  -   Whole grain options: brown rice, quinoa, millet, cracked wheat, whole wheat pasta or soba noodles, barley
  -   Protein options: chicken or turkey breast, roasted tofu, cooked lentils, cooked veggie burgers
  -   Vegetable options: mixed salad greens (wash, dry thoroughly, wrap in a large kitchen towel and store in crisper drawer in the refrigerator); leftover cooked vegetables; diced firm vegetables (they’ll keep for a few days) – like carrots, celery, red onion, peppers

-  In the pantry: canned beans, canned tuna, canned salmon, canned tomatoes, nut butters, whole grain bread/pita bread, whole grain crackers, whole grain tortillas

  -  In the refrigerator: lowfat milk, soy milk, plain Greek-style yogurt, cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, hummus, salsa; whole fruits, low fat salad dressings; marinated artichoke hearts, roasted peppers

  -  In the freezer: Whole frozen fruits for smoothies, veggie burgers, frozen chicken breasts ready to cook in a batch.

Packing a healthy lunch: get set

Here’s a simple system to help you pack a healthy lunch. Simply pick a protein, add some vegetables and choose a whole grain. Then, add a bit of healthy fat for flavor if you like, and then let your imagination run free. This isn’t meant to be a complete list, but these are some of the most common ingredients you’re likely to use to put together a healthy lunch for yourself. Add some fruit with your meal or for dessert and you’re all set!

Protein Vegetables Starch/Grain Healthy Fat
Protein Powder Leafy salad greens Cooked Brown Rice Hummus
Milk Carrots Cooked Whole wheat pasta Avocado
Soy Milk Peppers Cooked Soba Noodles Nut Butter
Greek-Style Yogurt Onions 100% Whole Grain Bread Nuts
Cottage Cheese Celery Cooked Quinoa Olive Oil
Roasted Chicken Breast Tomatoes Cooked Millet Seeds
Roasted Turkey Breast Cucumber Cooked Cracked Wheat Sesame Oil
Canned tuna Squash Cooked Barley  
Canned salmon Green beans 100% Whole Grain Crackers  
Cooked beans or lentils Broccoli Whole Grain Tortillas  
Eggs Asparagus Cooked Sweet Potato  
Lean meat Salsa    
Veggie burger      

How to pack a healthy lunch: go!

Once you pick items from each column, it’s easy to come up with lots of great-tasting, healthy lunches you can pack yourself! Here are some ideas to get you started:

1.   Carrot-pineapple smoothie: Blend protein powder with milk or soy milk, cooked carrots and canned pineapple.
2.  Mix plain Greek-style yogurt with a little honey and almond butter and top with fresh berries; plain baby carrots on the side.
3.   Mash canned salmon with avocado on whole grain crackers; have a side of fresh cherry tomatoes.
4.   Mix cooked quinoa with diced roasted chicken breast, artichoke hearts, roasted peppers, vinaigrette dressing.
5.   Spread a whole grain tortilla with mustard; layer with roasted turkey breast, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, shredded carrots; roll up and slice.
6.   Mix cooked black beans with diced cucumber, tomato, celery, avocado, cilantro; toss with salsa.
7.   Toss cooked soba noodles with grilled tofu and leftover steamed broccoli. Top with chopped spring onions a dash each of soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil.
8.  Top low fat cottage cheese with chopped cucumber, celery, carrots, peppers; season with salt and black pepper; enjoy with a few whole grain crackers.
9.  Mix cooked whole grain pasta with canned white beans, canned tomatoes seasoned with basil.
10.  Mix together cooked lentils with finely chopped kale, sliced orange, red onion; dress with plain Greek-style yogurt seasoned with salt, pepper, curry powder.
11.  Salad of mixed greens and veggies topped with crumbled veggie burger; dress with olive oil vinaigrette.
12.  Whole grain pita bread spread with hummus; stuffed with chopped vegetables and sliced hard-boiled eggs..
13.  Mix cooked brown rice and canned garbanzo beans (chickpeas). Add a few dried cranberries or raisins, chopped parsley, low fat feta cheese. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.

What do you like to eat at lunchtime? Share your ideas on how to pack a healthy lunch!

Susan Bowerman is Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.


Posted in Nutrition Health Articles Live Healthy By Guy Alony

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