If you set your children up for success when they're young, it will help keep them on track when they're adults. Here's your action plan for reaching your family fitness goals. Added bonus: you'll up your own fitness level too!

The old saying 'monkey see, monkey do' comes to mind when we're talking about teaching children about physical fitness. Especially when they're in the early stages of development. When it comes to physical fitness, parents can positively encourage their children to be active by being active themselves. It's not an easy task, and there's no one proven approach to raising a healthy, well- balanced family. There is a way that I do it, and these three simple steps make a lot of sense to me. I hope they work for you too.

Step one: Positive words 
Our choice of words is so important in life. Whether it's friendships, relationships, business affairs or your body confidence, it's essential to make an active choice to use positive language.
I'm convinced that we all have some sort of body issues. I've been guilty of upsetting my daughter unintentionally by referring to my tummy scars as 'horrid.' Her response was "I love your tummy because without it. we wouldn't be here." As you can imagine, I felt terrible when she said this. My negative thoughts (like many women's) came right in the middle of summer swimsuit season a few years ago. I think I felt even worse because she has a small scar on her arm. It made me realize that I must always be positive with my words. I believe true beauty comes from within, even on a tough day. Always try to find a positive verbal approach to situations.

Step 2: Positive thoughts 
If you do have negative thoughts about your body, try to work on finding some positive body confidence statements. These statements come much more naturally when you make small physical changes in your routine to make yourself feel better.
For example, referring to a healthy diet as something to be dreaded because you feel deprived is a prime example of teaching kids that there's some form of negative emotion attached to restricting the consumption of unhealthy calories. Like I said, the balancing act is not easy. A change in mindset about what you know is best for your overall health is the key. 
Attempt to only share positive statements such as 'I'm getting healthy' or 'I'm working on being an active parent.' This is especially important when speaking in front of young children because they're most influenced before teenage years. Remember that positive actions and words start with positive thoughts.

Step 3: Mindset to action
Have you heard the saying "all talk and no action?" Well, it's time for the action part of my post! It doesn't have to be a chore to get the entire family moving. Once you get going with weekly activities, your entire family will start to look forward to family fitness time together. 
Start getting yourself active and feeling great. Then slowly start introducing your family to your ideas. Here is a custom workout to help get you started!

Workout of the week
Ultimate Goal: Perform this routine 5 times through
Every second counts goal: Get through this once.
-Walk-jog-run (1-2-3)
-Choose two numbers based on your fitness level.

-Note: If you're new to exercise, choose numbers 1 and 2. If you feel ready, choose 2-3
-Perform 45 seconds of the low number followed by 30 seconds of your second number.
-Perform a few stretches while catching your breath for 30 seconds

Not ready for jogging? Walk slowly as your 1, then walk fast as your 2.
Stick to the time frame and sets set but adjust your running/jogging/walking as needed to fit your current fitness level.

The majority of your actions start with a thought so keep your thoughts positive, your words to match your thoughts and hopefully your body will follow. For the full article, click here.

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Senior Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.